What is the Food & Farming Champion?
Each year, Farm & Food Care recognizes PEI “Champions” who work to tell agriculture’s story.
The “Food & Farming Champion” Award is presented to individuals, organizations or businesses who have taken the initiative to engage with consumers in a conversation about food and farming in PEI. Nominees are individuals who are passionate about food and agriculture and are proud of our industry – they use their skills to share their stories and provide consumers with accurate information about agriculture and food production.
The steering committee chooses a winner from the nominations and the award recipient will be honored at a ceremony.
- Nominations are open to any PEI resident who has taken an active role in promoting food and farming.
- Nominations will be accepted from all farmers, food partners, commodity groups, and members of the Farm & Food Care Steering Committee. Steering Committee members, however, are not eligible for nomination.
- You may nominate more than one individual, organization, or business.
Nominations are now open for the 2023 Award
Nominations will be accepted by Farm & Food Care PEI until April 7th, 2023. Nominations can be submitted using the downloadable document or by filling in the online form.
2022 Champion
Farm & Food Care is very proud to announce 2022 Food & Farming Champion is Ryan Barrett of Kensington, Prince Edward Island.
Ryan has demonstrated this through his role with the PEI Potato Board where he is the Research and Agronomy Specialist. Ryan successfully communicates how new research, technology and sustainability methods are ensuring a future for agriculture. Ryan’s audiences include a large following on Twitter where he shares informational data. Ryan also educates and informs consumers about other prominent agricultural industries on Prince Edward Island including dairy and beef farming.
Ryan is passionate about sustainability projects including the “Living Labs” project where scientists work directly with farmers and strive to improve soil health, research new crop varieties and crop rotations. Ryan is also founder of the PEI Farm Tour. This is a project of Farm & Food Care which includes free public farm tours and informational signage identifying which crops are growing in PEI fields. This project helps consumers understand food and farming on Prince Edward Island.
Ryan’s passion for food and farming on Prince Edward Island is very evident among Islanders and is very deserving of this award. Congratulations!
Past Winners